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Main theme: Re-Thinking Earthen Architecture for Sustainable Development

Topics: All research on earthen buildings including:

  1. Clean energy and accessibility

  2. Charging with production and consumption

  3. Earthquake safety in adobe structures

  4. Earthen architecture with ultimate technologies

  5. Healty life with earthen architecture

  6. Innovation in earthen architecture

  7. Learning from earthen architecture during climate change

  8. Management of earthen architecture

  9. New generation earthen architecture

  10. Evaluation of Risk and Protection against environmental effects and disasters

  11. Reducing, Reusing, Recycling

  12. Principles and methods of conservation

  13. Structural behavior; static, dynamic and numerical analysis methods

  14. Standards and guidelines

  15. Sustainability in building materials

  16. Sustainable architecture and sustainable cities

  17. Traditional construction techniques

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